What’s that bump down there?!

This is a very common reason a patient sees me, but I want women to know that all vulvar bumps are NOT sexually transmitted infections! So don’t freak out and learn about the different types of bumps that exist! Warning: included pictures may be graphic for some viewers, so please use caution while viewing! But remember, we are here to learn!



Very common small, sometimes painful bumps/razor burns or due to ingrown hairs

▪️Change your razors frequently to avoid bacterial growth

▪️Always hydrate skin before shaving

▪️Exfoliate bikini line before you shave

▪️Avoid tight underwear


Sebaceous cysts

Small painless bump, usually white in color; seen right under the skin.

▪️Not an STI!

▪️Can be incised and the sebum collected under the skin can be extracted which is a white, cheesy material!


Bartholin’s Gland Cyst or Abscess

Lump near opening of vagina, can be painless or painful, hard to walk or sit

▪️Can be incised and drained +/- Word catheter

▪️+/- Antibiotics

▪️Marsupilization can be performed if recurrent


Genital Warts/Condyloma

Flesh-colored lesions, can look like a cauliflower. Sometimes confused for a skin tag.

▪️Caused by low-risk HPV, so is a STI.

▪️A variety of treatments are available.

▪️Can be prevented with the HPV vaccine!


Vulvar Cancer

Signs or symptoms including one or more of the following:

  • Itching, burning, pain or tenderness on the vulva that does not go away.

  • Changes in vulva skin color, where it is redder or whiter than normal for you.

  • Changes on the vulva skin, such as a rash, warts, sores, lumps or ulcers.

  • HPV infection and smoking increases your risk.

Pap smear doesn’t screen for this cancer, that’s why an annual physical exam with your Gynecologist is so important!


Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

Painful sores or blisters in the genital area, can be seen anywhere boxer shorts cover.

▪️Can be caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2. HSV-1 is NOT only oral lesions and HSV-2 is NOT only genital lesions!

▪️Can be treated per episode or with suppression.

▪️Can be confused with a cut from shaving, but if you’re not sure, get checked!!


Fordyce Spots

Multiple, painless, very small yellow-white papules.

▪️Occur in ~85% of the population.

▪️Can be found on your lips or genitals.

▪️Harmless, not a STI, and do not require treatment!

I hope you found this post helpful! Let me know if you have any questions, and remember every bump is not a sexually transmitted disease!!

Keeping it real,

Dr. E