Your uterus is an amazing organ! Check out these facts!

The uterus is an amazing organ! Yes, that's right it’s an organ! 🍊

🌱 A normal size uterus is about the size of an orange.

🌱 It is the only organ that can grow another organ within it called the placenta! Cool!

🌱 Some women are born without a uterus. It is usually associated with a syndrome called Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser with a prevalence of 1 in 5000 women. This syndrome more commonly is associated with congenital absence of a vagina, but the uterus can also not form.

🌱 Some women get extra lucky and are born with two uteri! This is called a uterine didelphys which is a duplication of the reproductive structures, generally limited to the uterus and cervix. Spontaneous abortion rates of 32 percent and preterm birth rates of 28 percent have been reported in women with uterus didelphys. Fetal growth restriction also appears to be increased. Even though there can be risks, most women have a pregnancy without any major complications. A septated vagina is present in 75 percent of cases and may cause difficulty with sexual intercourse or vaginal delivery. This is when there is a band of tissue that separates the vagina and can be felt on a pelvic exam. Reported to occur in <0.5% of women.

🌱 And the coolest fact of them all.....get ready!!! A uterus can actually be translated for those women who were born without one to have a baby!! As of July 2019, more than a dozen babies have been born worldwide as a result of a transplanted uterus! WOW! The most recent baby was a baby girl born in June of this year at Cleveland Clinic and she became the first baby in North America delivered by a mother who received a uterus transplant from a deceased donor! Congrats to the family. Swipe for more information on this amazing procedure!

The uterus might be the coolest organ yet! Have any cool uterus facts you would like to share? Please comment below!


Dr. E