Everything you want to know about bacterial vaginosis!

What? Poorly understood. This condition is caused by an overgrowth of certain bacterias such as Gardnerella, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma and more. There is also a decrease in the good bacteria- Lactobacillus. It can cause a nonirritating discharge with an odor.⁣⁣


When? It is not considered an STI but risk factors include oral sex, douching, smoking, IUDs, new sexual partners or sexual activity with other women. ⁣⁣


Where? The infection tends to remain in the vagina but it can increase the risk of an inflammation in the uterus or even pelvic inflammatory disease not caused by typical STIs. ⁣⁣



-Common ones include Metronidazole/Flagyl oral or vaginal or Clindamycin oral or vagina Do not drink while on flagyl, you can get a red face! ⁣⁣

-Data shows routine treatment of male sex partners is not recommended.⁣⁣

-Consider probiotics to bring back the good bacteria but data shows no consistent benefit.⁣⁣


👙Lifestyle changes for women and men?⁣⁣

✔️You should refrain from intercourse during the week of treatment. ⁣⁣

✔️Wear a condom or use protection during vaginal or anal sex. Use a dental dam during oral sex to keep bacteria from getting in your mouth. ⁣⁣

✔️Limit the number of sexual partners you have at one time.⁣⁣

✔️Keep your genital area clean to keep bacteria from overgrowing and make sure partners clean under their foreskin if not circumcised.⁣⁣

✔️Wear loose, breathable cotton underwear to ventilate your genital area.⁣⁣


😣Recurrent infections? These suck! ⁣⁣

-I usually treat patients with 4-6 months of twice weekly metrogel plus probiotics.🤞🏼⁣⁣

-Wear condoms for a while to decrease reinfection from partner.⁣⁣

-Get your IUD out to potentially help. ⁣⁣

-Stop smoking.⁣⁣

-Stop douching!⁣⁣


Dr. E 💛⁣⁣
