It takes a village! (Yes, I am referring to those cuties in the pic!)


〽️So the other night we were in the restroom at a restaurant and there was a mom who was dealing with a toddler and trying to change her 2-month-old baby's dirty diaper. My kids were acting ok and I thought, this mama needs my help! So my oldest and I went over to talk to him so we could stop him from crying and give his mom just one minute of relief to change the baby's diaper.

〽️Yeah, we could have just done nothing. We could have just waited in the line and let him continue to cry and tug on his mamas skirt while she was juggling trying to not let her baby touch anything dirty in the bathroom and also change the diaper at the same time. (All us mamas have been there!) But, no I realized this lady needed help and that's when #ittakesavillage came into my head because it really does!! Heck, I need two ladies to help me! (Thanks and I love y'all!)

〽️Anyway, the point of my story is the next time you see a fellow mom in a pinch or looking a little bit overwhelmed, just help distract that crazy threenager or even just tell her she is doing awesome. You could imagine how much that can make a tired and exhausted mom's day. I tell each of my postpartum patients at the end of the visit that they are a great mom because they are. They care about themselves and their baby and that alone makes you a spectacular mom.

〽️Tons of moms and dads are doing their best without anyone bothering to check on a fellow parent and we should change that.

🔆Let me know a time you helped a fellow mom in the trenches? 🔆


Dr. Erica 💛
