What is my vagina supposed to smell like anyway?!

Well ladies let me first tell you what it is not supposed to smell like....




And my favorite line, your vagina should not smell like the inside of a Bath and Body Works store!!!!

Your vaginal pH controls a lot! Your vagina is normally acidic. This is when it is most happy. Your vagina's good bacteria help to keep it "clean," so don't mess with that. It's free!!!

So what changes your scent?

  • Intercourse.

Semen has a basic pH so when it enters the vagina it causes a temporary change.

  • If you let your vagina breath or not.

Try to stick to cotton panties and loose-fitting clothes! If she can't breath, she can get funky.

  • Your diet.

Highly processed foods, foods high in sugar, excess alcohol or dehydration can affect your scent. Healthy diet= healthy vagina.

  • Your hygiene habits.

Sweat glands, nearby hair follicles and being near the anus can affect the scent. Always remember to wipe front to back!!! Every. Single. Time.

  • Your period.

Again your pH levels change and what are you smelling is the blood itself. May not been the best smell, but remember it is temporary.

So how should your vagina smell? Some women use words like earthy, ripe, even pungent or slightly sour to describe their normal vaginal odor! And I agree. Remember, every woman is different and your odor is you!!!

Homework time: Go check yourself out!